Installing WordPress is the most essential part to start your own blog.
You reading this article means, you have an interest in blogging or want to make an impact online.
Confused, about how and where to start your blogging career? Don’t worry. I have created a blog post on how to start a profitable blog. It will give you clarity on how you can start your own blog.
WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of bloggers and website owners worldwide. It is easy to use and you can customize it as required. One of the most popular ways to install WordPress is through cPanel, a web-based control panel used by many web hosts.
What is cPanel?
cPanel is a web hosting control panel that allows website owners to manage their websites and hosting accounts. It provides an easy-to-use graphical interface and is popular among web hosting providers.
In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to install WordPress on cPanel.
Before starting the WordPress installation process I want to clarify two things.
- Must have your own domain
- Your domain is associated with hosting with the cPanel control panel.
Let’s start the WordPress installation process on cPanel.
I have published a video on “How to install WordPress on cPanel”. You may watch this.
A step-by-step guide to installing WordPress on cPanel
Step 1: Access your cPanel

The first step is to access your cPanel. This can usually be done by logging into your web hosting account and clicking on the cPanel icon or by typing in your domain name followed by “/cpanel” in your web browser’s address bar. For example, if your domain name is ““, you would enter ““.
Step 2: Locate the “Softaculous Apps Installer” section

Once you are logged in to cPanel, scroll down until you find the “Softaculous Apps Installer” section. This section contains several popular software applications, including WordPress.
Step 3: Click on the WordPress icon
Click on the WordPress icon to begin the installation process.
Step 4: Select “Install”

On the next screen, click on the “Install Now” button to start the installation process.
Step 5: Configure your WordPress installation

Next, you’ll need to configure your WordPress installation. Here are the most important settings you’ll need to configure:
- Choose protocol: Select either “http://” or “https://” depending on whether or not you have an SSL certificate.
- Choose Domain: Select the domain where you want to install WordPress.
- In Directory: Leave this field blank to install WordPress in the root directory of your domain.
- Site Name: Enter the name of your website.
- Site Description: Enter a brief description of your website.
- Admin Username: Choose a username for your WordPress admin account.
- Admin Password: Choose a strong password for your WordPress admin account.
- Admin Email: Enter your email address.
- Select Language: Choose the language you want to use for your WordPress site.
Step 6: Install WordPress

Once you’ve configured the settings, click on the “Install” button to start the installation process. Softaculous will automatically install WordPress on your chosen domain. It may take several minutes depending on your internet speed.
Step 7: Login to WordPress

After the installation is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation message with a link to your new WordPress site. Click on the link to go to the WordPress login page. Enter the username and password you chose during the installation process to log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed WordPress on cPanel. You can now start customizing your site and creating content.
A step-by-step guide installation process of WordPress manually
While installing WordPress through Softaculous is the easiest method, some web hosting providers may not have this feature available. In this case, you can install WordPress on cPanel manually. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Download WordPress
The first step is to download the latest version of WordPress from the official website ( Once downloaded, extract the files from the ZIP folder to a location on your computer.
Step 2: Create a database
Next, you need to create a database to store your WordPress site data. In cPanel, locate the “MySQL Databases” icon and click on it. Enter a name for your database, then click on “Create Database”. Next, create a database user and password, then add the user to the database with full privileges.
Step 3: Upload WordPress files to your hosting account
Using an FTP client (such as FileZilla), connect to your web hosting account and navigate to the public_html folder. Upload all the extracted WordPress files to this folder.
Step 4: Configure WordPress settings
Now you need to configure WordPress to connect to your database. In the public_html folder, find the “wp-config-sample.php” file and rename it to “wp-config.php”. Open this file in a text editor and enter your database name, username, and password in the appropriate fields.
Step 5: Install WordPress
To install WordPress, go to your domain in a web browser (e.g. and you should see the WordPress installation page. Enter your site name, username, and password, then click on “Install WordPress”.
Step 6: Login to WordPress
After the installation is complete, you can login to your WordPress dashboard by going to Enter your username and password to access your WordPress dashboard.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed WordPress on cPanel manually. You can now start customizing your site and creating content.